2024 Jade Yogi Artist Calendar Winner

As we knock on the door of 2024, we can once again rejoice, laugh and maybe cry in celebrating another year gone by as another trip around the sun. Some times there are triumphs, frustrations, and nothing in particular to write hOMe about. For me, I cherish even the mini moments of simple neutrality.


At this moment, I want to write about perseverance (Tapas), purpose (Dharma) and gratitude.


Each and every year we are here on this earth in this body, we are given countless opportunities to make choices, experience changes, and explore passions, process sadness, grief, joy and love; just to name a few emotions of being human that can coexist at the same time. Sometimes it may seem difficult to witness, and/or be part of our own growth and living process of this humanity. Yoga gives us the opportunity exploring being human with out judgment, attachment or competition in hopes to be within the space of peace in your heart.


The practices of yoga and the mini moments of true awareness of a hearts yearning and a souls purpose might even bring about some pain of being with what was vs. what is now vs. what is expected.  Yoga helps give us a clear pathway for the pranic flow of grace. Our daily hOMe practices help us cultivate this ongoing awareness and resilience to all of our humanness so we can move beyond to consciousness.


Part 1 –Creating your home practice

Jan 20 9:30- 11:30

When we are disciplined to show up to our true ourselves on the mat in the process of disciplined practice (tapas), we actually receive the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes that occur by being in process of yoga.  It does not mean pretending everything is fine or being in denial about what is going wrong or changing. But rather gratitude means choosing to focus your time and attention on what you appreciate with deep respect, acknowledgement and surrender.



I know I have been extremely blessed to be able to follow my heart and soul’s purpose through my work with Heartful Yoga- combining art-marking and yoga to help you find freedom, peace, creativity and wellness on and off the mat. For this, I am truly grateful! This was only possible with the support of having students, friends, family and community, such as yourself who support me in my crazy idea that yoga  & art go together like crayons and a coloring book.


I am happy to say that my perseverance and belief in Heartful Yoga has gained me recognition as an honored yogi artist chosen for this years Jade Yoga 2024 calendar.

This is a special moment for me because, I never stopped believing all people can do yoga and all people can make art!  We just might have to change our perception of what yoga and art look like. A big shout out to my Heartful Yoga Team who has been there from the beginning in 2013 supporting me with my messy, crazy idea. Big hugs and thanks to Mike, Miranda, Amy, Julia, Dawn, Noreen, Linda, Adrienne, Lori, Andrea, Melia, Samantha, Becky, Sandra, Katya, Damion, Scott, Craig, Paul, Betsy,and Kiev who have pushed me, helped me fine tune, redirect and execute this Heartful process.  And another shout out to Amy Kubik who captured the “essence of me” in the photo for Jade and made me be comfortable on the other side of the lense.

 I thought no better way to showcase the integration of everyone is a yogi and an artist than by having my core team co-create a masterpiece on my beloved Jade yoga mats that have seen 20 years of my laughter, sweat, tears and surrender of my personal practice.

 In addition, I love and appreciate all of you who show up and let me guide you in your weekly Raja Hatha Yoga practices on my Heartful zoom, at Ful-Being Collective, Ascend Center and Firefly Power Yoga.

 I look forward to seeing what next year has in store for all of us! If you think there is some festival, event or private place that would like the Heartful Yoga experience, please let me know.






Prayer of St Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.