Q. What are the basic principals of yoga or the 8 limbs of yoga? 

  • Self-Rules for living consciously in society (Yama)

  • Guidelines for inner work (Niyama)

  • Low physical impact postures for the body to create space and health from inside (Asana)

  • Breathing techniques to direct the prana for expansion (Pranayama)

  • Detachment of the mind from senses (Pratihara)

  • Concentration or one pointed focussness (Dharana)

  • Meditation (Dhyana)

  • Complete union with super consciousness (Samadhi)

Q. can everyone practice yoga?

A. Can you breath? if so, you can practice yoga. Yoga is not only about the body moving, stretching and strengthening into different shapes or poses called asanas. Yoga is about conscious awareness with how you move through your life in this body, with your mind, making connections in the moment so you can live with awareness in your body, with your thoughts, and your actions towards yourself and others. The tools of the yoga practice help us balance our body, mind to use our inner potential for living a heartful life.

Q. what happens to your body when you start doing yoga?

A.  Yoga has been shown to decrease cortisol and adrenaline, the main stress hormones that make you feel overwhelmed, cranky, and on edge. However, a single yoga class isn’t enough to balance them. Most studies show that significant hormonal improvement requires three to six months of regular practice for 30 to 60 minutes per day, five days a week. While all yoga styles may help, research has examined hatha yoga, pranayama (such as deep breathing), and meditation as key tools in the practice to learn about your Self.

Q. why is there Om-ing in class?

A. Om, symbolically embodies the divine energy, or Shakti, and its three main characteristics: creation, preservation, and liberation. The mantra, or vibration, derives from Hinduism and is considered to have high spiritual and creative power. Not to mention you can feel the vibration within and give yourself the permission to let a full breath and sound out.

Q. why should I explore my creative potential?

A. Creative energy lies deep with in all of us. Most of the time the reality of life and our must haves and to do’s take over and mask the creative spark inside each one of us. Ever notice a child’s freedom with exploring the possibilities of a crayon- how they hold it, peel the paper off, and sometimes want to eat it. What about the creative expression that naturally wants to come out you ? Do you make the time to express yourself ?  Are you fearful ?  Heartful Yoga with Dani is trying to relight the pilot light of your creativity.

She brings forth the playfulness in art making, by connecting different techniques in the yoga practice with fundamentals in art making to create a safe experience to enjoy the flow of creative expression by tapping into the sensory subtle body and the mind to make a mark for marks sake pushing through no attachment to outcome of the pose or art piece but rather be in the flow of your process of being.

Dreaming, listening and being aware  are absolutely necessary if you want to create something rich, expressive, original and with soul. Want to give it a try ?