Creative energy lies deep within us all. You don't need to know how to draw to doodle. You don't need be limber to practice yoga. You don't need to be on key to sing. You don't need to know how to dance to move your body. You don't need to paint realistically to make art. The fact is that we are all artists from within because we are human with this ability and need to express ourselves in many ways. 

We have this creative potential just waiting to be released. We might not make the time or know where to start. We might be fearful and vulnerable because we are focussed on the outcome of our self-expression, the pose, the art, and the performance. Our perception sometimes directs us away from the creative exploration process because we might perceive we are not perfect, capable, deserving or good. Hence, there we loose momentum in self-expression, self-discovery, or validity in doing it as we grow older, so we don’t even try to make space.

What if you were given the opportunity to play ?

What if you get moving just for the sake of the process to be in the moment of exploring your body and your creative minds, hands and hearts, to let our imagination soar, creativity sing, playfulness move and heart a resting place.   What if we utilize the connections of yoga and art to tap so deeply into our spirit that your true voice comes out individually and you uniquely make marks from the heart in this collective collaboration.

Are you willing to give it a try ?