Four - three – two - one

 Four - three – two - one ….

March 24- April 4  all my classes will be cancelled as I finally host the awaited Heartful Yoga Vacation in Mexico !

It has been 3 years since the initial cancellation of this YOGA & ART trip and I am fully ready to immerse myself in the practice of working with the Chakra System through Asana, pranayama, mudras, mantras and art with real live people in our open air studio space . I will be teaching  March 24- April 4 only in person on the retreat, so  there will be no online  Heartful ZOOM classes or Slow Flow classes through Ascend Center .


However , there is an opportunity for you - you can still practice with me online with an all levels class via the recorded classes that I teach  weekly through Ascend by watching the replays.    This is a great opportunity for you to deepen your home practice and move in your flow on your time slowly with me and other fabulous teachers as Ascend Center .

Also, please check out my new offerings starting April 12 at Full Being Collective for an integrated therapeutic yoga practice using The Great Yoga Wall. The yoga wall is for everyone ! it is a support system that you use for movingin your body into different asanas on the mat . and nea r the wall . I know I sent an email with me hanging from that wall , becuase in my body with my spine and with my practice this feels good and supports me. It does not mean you have to go upside , up and around . I teach you in a very incremental way of finding balance in with your breath and subtle movement of the spine. It is a theraputic practice for all - If you practice with me , we look at how and whene your body moves and where the breath goes so that we can use the wall to help you gain range of motion, flexibilty, strength and resilience as synergestic qualities. These sessions are great way to deepen your awareness of yoga with support and focus with 1:3, 1:2 and 1:1 attention and support . You deserve it Book a session today !

So, stay tuned to the new happenings this Spring. Upon my return .I will  be sharing some new practices at Daydream collaborative Clinic , in Beacon , NY as well as getting back to in person classes at Ascend Center and Heartful Yoga POP UP opportunities  for growth with outdoor yoga & art & workshops & more retreats.


As we emerge like soft small blossoms and plants pushing through the dark cold mucky covered remnants of winteras death gives way to new life. Allow your spirit, body and mind to be both strong and subtle to push forth to a new place of growth beyond boundaries in dynamic balance by supporting your self by getting outside.


You got this as you move into your lightness of being joining the  extended sunlit days.

The seeds are planted way beneath the soil in the darkness … are in full the expression when the see the light. Plant wisely and continue to uproot the weeds.

The sun is Love.

The Lover, a speck circling in the sun.

A spring wind moves to dance

any branch that isn’t dead.

Something opens our wings.

Someone fills the cup in front of us.

We taste only sacredness. -Rumi


stay grounded

be present

nurture and honor new growth

breathe in fresh air

and smell the smells of spring !

